During the past seven years, Springs of Hope Foundation has received and become home to over four hundred women, children and youth who have been rescued from captivity in the Islamic state and who have been brought to safety in the Kurdish region of Iraq.
The vast majority of those rescued have no parents, some are sole survivors of their tribal family. They are alone and have nothing. Not even new clothing or a tent to dwell in.
After seven years of servitude under the regime of the Caliphate their mother tongue has been stolen from them, they speak only Syrian Arabic. Their names have been changed, their memories eradicated.
They have been raped, sold, abused, tortured, starved, dehumanized, forced to bow to the rule and reign of the caliphate of ISIS.
Their identity has been stripped from them. Their dignity paraded in endless slave markets. Their health, physical and emotional, has been abused and destroyed. They are victims of Gencoide.
They come through the blue gate into The Hope House, broken, wary, suspicious of who we are, some angry, some enraged, some confused, some missing children born in captivity, some unsure of their origins relying on the memory of friends or family who knew them in Sinjar.
Some don't want to come, but they do because their friends who " served " alongside them in places like Raqqa and Baghouz, Deir-ez-Zor and Mosul, have found their home with us, and have invited them. They miss their friends, so they come , and stay.
Some come and call us "infidels" , some come in need of endless hugs. Some come on ancient bikes, some in wheelchairs having lost their legs in a battle that was not theirs to fight.
Some ask for food, some for footballs, some for goldfish, rabbits or doves. Some are angry, some full of rage, some silenced and shut down. Some broken, some hungry to learn. Each person has their own story, we meet them exactly where they are at.
Hopefully, Yours is a gentle programme to help those who have lost their life, find it. To learn how to mentally and emotionally walk out of captivity and engage with life, family and community.
They need your help. Without your tangible care and generosity they will remain marginalized, unable to be a part of society. They will remain without clothes, without the ability to pay for a haircut or medical check ups. When their friends go out of the camp for a pizza, they will remain behind in their tent.
We ask you to consider a twelve month commitment of $65 per month to support just one of those who have survived the ravages of the Islamic State. To give them a chance at life.
Hope is tangible. We hope that you will choose to become a practical example of Hope in their lives.
We have students, sole survivors in their family, who recently were discovered in the infamous Al Hawl camp in Syria and are in desperate need of financial support. Please email us for details of how to financially commit to one of our Yezidi survivors of ISIS.
Enter your name and email below to learn how you can financially invest in the life of one of our Yezidi students.