Right. They don't match do they? I do have my grumpy days, and they are not necessarily connected to sandstorms, or cockroaches or lack of sleep. They just are, in fact as I process, maybe I have caught the bug from our good Doctor Happy who relishes his monthly grumpy day.
The guys, my much loved guys told me it was Eid. A Muslim Eid and that we should celebrate with our Kids In War. Now that was like a red flag to a bull or asking me as a Jew to go to Mecca. I apologize in advance to all my good friends, and promise that this tale of potential woe, does have a happy ending.
" Let them all celebrate Rosh Ha Shana" thought I to myself. Let them bake honey cake for their President and then lets talk about Eid ( with boiled sheeps head ).
But then the good Doktooor gave me a very Doktoorish look not to mention a stern enough Binti Yakub...." You have taught us a culture of generosity, where's yours?" And with that, the good Doktooor had me cornered.
Grumpy generosity versus Radical Generosity that is just waiting for the opportunity to give more, to exercise bountiful giving from an open heart.

So some of our kids came to celebrate a bountiful , fun filled Eid with us. Not my grumpy oh so -we -must- do -this generosity, but a joyful delight to help our Muslim kids celebrate their festival.

This is our joy to plan, our joy to prepare, our joy to go that extra mile to love on our kids, to be a part of that which is important to them.

It's our honor to partake in the Generosity of Giving. And yes at times it's sacrificial and at times its radical. And it doesn't come with my honey cake but thats ok. It helps mend broken hearts, it demolishes walls of division and creates an environment of peace, love, kindness, thought, care, compassion and goodwill.
Such is life inside the Rainbow Zone, of the Hope Centre. It's generous with a large heart. No place for grumpy giving here. It's teaching me a lesson or two...Just give and when you're poured out, give again. When you have nothing, give from the nothingness with great joy. There's exuberant joy in the Generosity of Giving. And its oh so incredibly infectious.

Living generously behind the Rainbow in War City, Kurdistan.