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Grave Openers

It’s been another of “those weeks” here in the Middle East. Living the days when every bit of breath is sucked out of you. The days of silence, where no words dare form themselves. The days where everything is postponed until tomorrow, or the next day, or maybe it just won't happen. And the days when the skies and clouds are so majestic that one’s soul is refreshed. The days when one word in season is like grapes found in the desert. Our week has been both extremes as is the norm these days. Mourning and rejoicing. Silence and cloud gazing.


The verse that has been on my mind this week (I quote out of context) is this “I will open your graves and cause you to come out of your graves…and you shall know that I am the Lord when I have opened your graves and brought you up from your graves." Ezekiel 37:13


Our week has been significantly defined by the laying to rest, after ten years, of the bones of 42 victims, those who were massacred by ISIS in Sinjar, 2014.  Once again our students were continuing to bury bones of family members. A genocide that began 10 years ago and is still ongoing. Our students returned to Hardan village to dig and open graves. Graves of death and destruction. 


Our week has also been significantly defined by emergency fundraising for the two Yezidi refugee babies in need of heart surgery outside the borders of Kurdish Iraq.

Graves of death that were “destined” for these two babies are being opened, and they will be given life, hope and future. I have been able to visualise grave slabs being hit to pieces and the power of death broken over the lives of these two precious children. I have rejoiced over that.


“I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your great donations and your kindness for these little kids. Your donations have enabled the rescue of two beautiful souls, who put their feet on this land of destiny.

We are thankful for the great welcome for these little children. You welcomed them. You showed them this great welcome. It is very important to give these children a new journey in life.

“The Lord helps them and rescues them. He rescues them from the wicked and saves them because they have taken refuge in him.” Psalm 37:40.”

- written by X. @SOHF

“I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who supported us in saving the lives of these two kids. Your kindness and compassion touch our hearts deeply. Knowing that there are such compassionate individuals in the world fills me with hope and love, inspiring me to cherish life even more.

I can only imagine the positive impact your support has had on the hearts of these kids and parents during moments of loneliness and helplessness. We are truly thankful for your support, you have made a significant difference, and your goodness continues to brighten this region.”

- written by Y. @SOHF


We are incredibly grateful for the compassion and care that you have shown these kiddies, and your super swift response which enabled us to jump into action on their behalf.

We are grateful. Beyond words, grateful. I do however need to make our formal position clear. We stumbled into this by chance. We had no prior knowledge that the daughter of one of our employees was headed outside the Kurdish region, to this specific city and country to make heart surgery.

Had we known in advance, we would not have supported the decision. Not because we do not want the best for her. We want her to live and live well. We have been fighting for her since she was born. There are however serious issues of wisdom and security for many people involved. We live in a period of human history when the need to understand the times and the seasons and to know what to do in that season is paramount to all.

The recent terror attack in Erbil, served to highlight, served to scream for those maybe in denial, the major changes and shiftings in this region and the need to re-examine security and safety for all.

I and the Boards of Springs of Hope Foundation Kurdistan and Iraq in agreement with the USA Springs of Hope Foundation Inc, do not support this charitable organisation’s decision to fly Kurdish and Iraqi children into aforesaid neighbouring county at this time. There are options for heart surgery both in Kurdistan and in other countries. No desire to serve, to save lives should endanger other lives .

Moreover we do not agree with the current policy of bringing children when there are no funds to pay for housing and medical costs.

We are delighted to have been able to help our employee. We have seen his pain and suffering over the years as his firstborn son died of heart failure, followed by two miscarriages. We however distance ourselves from the charitable organisation’s current operational policies.


We pray for perfect success for these operations. We pray for a swift and safe return to their home, their tents. We pray for protection from them, and as X quoted, may they be rescued from the wicked, and hidden from sight from all who could do them harm.

And again, thank you.


Can you help?

With your help, we are here for those who are mourning and those who are rejoicing. 


Every donation makes a huge difference.


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