Thank you for journeying with us this week, in yet another week of kingdoms rising and falling, turbulence, wars and rumours of wars. We ask you to pray for our Syrian families in our War City kindergarten and art academy. They are all asylum seekers, their families in the valley of decision, whether to remain in the safety of Kurdistan, or to return to their lands and destroyed homes in what was until recently “Syria.” Their initial jubilance has become caution, uncertainty with a little optimism, with many unknowns hanging in the air.
Our Syrian art academy students have begun to express their feelings on paper as they paint “My Homeland December 2024” which we will share with you when their work is ready. We did not ask them to paint, we are careful never to be invasive. They want to share the content of their souls with us.
As we want to focus on life, we look once again at our wonderful Horses for Hope, the place where lives are quietly being changed. Where the dumb are singing, where children who have not spoken begin to speak after being with the horses. The place where those who routinely live in wheelchairs actually get up on their feet for a few minutes. The place where the weak become brave.
Oftentimes we are grateful that we actually didn't know what we were doing, cos maybe if we had been professionals, all this just wouldn't have happened as we would have been in the way. Our three Yezidi Kurdish cowboys voice their feelings this week.
Wessam, Director of Horses for Hope

“I love my work, along with Shex Vagar and Zirak, we are a team dedicated to living and working with these amazing creatures. They are not just horses, they are a part of us, they are our family. We are here to listen to them and to respect them. These are not ordinary horses, or what would be considered ordinary in our region. They are not here for showing off, for bragging, or for racing. We have no interest in these things, and we would not degrade our wonderful beings by even thinking such a thing. Our horses are much much more valuable than others would see.
Our horses are agents of healing. I firmly believe that they have the power to heal. When I am not feeling my best, they energise me, they put me back on track, simply being near them has a miraculous effect. I am not sure of the science or the spirituality behind it, but their presence lifts my spirits, clears my mind and empowers me. How much more so those dear friends who come with heavy spirits and the pressures and burdens of life that weigh them down. We are unable to measure the impact that the horses have on them.
At Horses for Hope we welcome a wide range of people including survivors of I$I$, orphans, children with special needs, widows, less able gentlemen, even visitors from the University of Duhok and governmental departments who have heard about us, or who want their students to receive real life training for their veterinary studies.
Welcoming the Director of the Duhok Institute
of Veterinary Surgeons with 30 students
It’s true that we began from zero, with no knowledge. Thankfully we were able to learn much from Daoud and Barzan who went before us, but even more from the horses themselves. We watch them, we listen to them. We know that they give out a lot of emotional energy when with our students, so we give them plenty of rest time. We invite them to help us participate with them. If their mind is elsewhere, that’s fine, we go to another horse.
We are now specifically training them to interact with people. Newroz is a natural, as is her son Almas who is watching her and learning from her. Our old man Emir has healed from his traumatic past and is a wonderful example to all. He seems to pick up on trauma and is gentle and reassuring as if to say, "this too will pass." Our two young jewels, Ruby and Sapphire are watching, they are easily distracted still but learning. Taj the stallion is a bit too regal but kind of surveys the atmosphere with approval.
I have seen the most intimate moments between all those who would be defined as "special needs or less abled", moments of raw intimacy and honesty between them and the horses. We have no need to know what transpired, and often we will never know, but when we get phone calls from a Mum who says, “My three year old son said his first word the day after we visited the stables, it was HORSE!” Then we know that miracles are happening that are affecting an entire family.
A week ago Shex Khalid shared with us the story of one of his special needs kiddies, a highly intelligent, sharp minded mature little boy who is chronically sick. Since Ayman began kindergarten his mother has stayed with him every day. He makes friends easily but refuses to let her go home. The day after his equine therapy session, he told her that he no longer needed her and that she could go home.
We all have so many stories, each one a testimony to this power of healing that flows from horse to human. I want to take this opportunity to thank each one of you who helps us. Sometimes our kids look at us as heroes, but we look at YOU as our heroes, for caring about a small group of people here in a forgotten corner of the Middle East. Thank you for helping us to heal hearts."
Wessam. Director of Horses for Hope
Taj with Wessam
Zirak, Equine Trainer
As I have shared my journey to Horses for Hope with you in the past, I will just add a few observations today, more about the horses than myself. Their journey is my journey, and my journey is their journey.
I have learned that as much as training is important, its all about the bond of trust, the bond of understanding, of listening, of respect. Once that bond, that connection is established we understand each other on a totally different level. I would call that on a spirit level. They have the ability to give healing and transformative energy to those whose spirits or bodies are sick. Their impact is incredible, I do not believe that it is possible to document such transformations. Often we stand quietly to the side and then ask ourselves, “What just happened?” We have no answers but our hearts burst with gratitude.
Over the last six months I have witnessed countless examples of how our horses are active in the healing process. Each person’s journey is unique so we adapt our methods accordingly. Working with the disabled, the autistic and with Downs syndrome is challenging, but once the horses get to know the person, they offer the kind of connection, the healing, the energy that is needed. It is as if the horses are the doctor and we simply help people enter the Waiting Room.
Seeing the happiness, the joy, the progress in each one who comes to us is deeply rewarding. I am profoundly grateful to everyone who makes Horses for Hope possible. It is an honor to be part of something so meaningful.
Zirak. Equine Trainer.
Shex Vagar
"This coming Newroz will mark three years since we opened Horses for Hope, introducing something totally new to the Governorate of Duhok. The program began under the leadership of Captain Daoud and Barzan who were trained by Chief Captain Mr. Tim from Texas. I joined the team four months after the stables were opened.
It has been a journey of healing for me, and a journey of learning. It probably always will be. As you know we are an equine assisted therapy centre and have gradually introduced ducks, swans, chickens and two peacocks. We wanted this place to be a sanctuary for all, a place where if the horses are too overwhelming for one, then we have the ducks, or the chickens that can be fed.
We do everything to create and maintain an atmosphere of peace and tranquility, where all who come, even those who are terrified at the beginning, can relax and enjoy and progress at their pace. All those who come seek hope, seek help, seek answers. It’s as if the horses plant the seeds of hope that they need.
All of our horses regardless of their age are incredibly sensitive and loyal. They seek trust and respond to it. They do not look for perfection in a person, they have no interest in their academic qualifications or life background, they look for the spirit man. When there is a spirit to spirit connect, then healing happens.
We are doing important work here, helping the broken build trust, find hope to rebuild their lives. A group of student vets came to visit us this week, they too had heard of the amazing things that are happening here and came to see as well as to learn about horses.
I hope that we will be able to continue this healing work for many years to come. We three are an exceptional team, committed to each other and committed to seeing miracles change lives. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."
Shex Vagar
Nurse Salah

"Hello everyone and may I take this opportunity to wish all of you who will shortly be celebrating, a very happy Christmas.
My message today is short. By the grace of God we have a complete circle of healing. One that goes from the Hope Centre, to the stables and around again and again. The two places are interconnected and can not be separated. Both are safe places, places of healing. One leads to the other, one supports the other.
I speak as a Nurse. There is something here at Horses for Hope, that goes way beyond the scientific or the medical. This is a place of psychological comfort and restoration and it is a place of healing. If you could see the healing, the little miracles that we see everyday, there would be no need for questions as it is a fact. As a nurse the level of healing in the stables, whether for Downs kiddies, or for the psychologically damaged or the physically and mentally restricted is simply amazing. They get healed. Their souls and their bodies become healed.
Thank you good people for believing in healing, and helping us to bring this to our very diseased ( in mind, body and spirit ) community. With the help of God our vital mission will continue.
Nurse Salah
And to answer a question that maybe you are asking yourself, dear reader. We have not replaced God THE Healer with a horse. We have not put our horses on the pedestal of healers. We know with a surety and confidence who our source of healing, restoration and comfort is.
Having said that, the Holy One is the Creator of the Universe and he has created animals with reason and design, the horse being one of the most intelligent and sensitive. I close for this week with Job 39: 19 by way of reminder:
“Have you given the horse strength? Have you clothed his neck with power? Do you make him leap like a locust?The glory of his nostrils is terrible. He paws in the valley and rejoices in his strength.He goes on to meet the battle.”
Job 39: 19
We do nothing. We just show up very aware of that which our creator is working to his good purpose through animals that he created.