by Dr Saeed Alo Khudeida
CEO Springs of Hope Foundation
“Welcome everybody. I have a lot to say about 2021 and 2022 what we have accomplished and what we can do this year.
I have three points with regards to that which we have done, firstly I think that no one can find another NGO in either Kurdistan or Iraq who could collect and gather all the departments we have under one word. HOPE. We have a lot of departments in the Springs of Hope Foundation. We began with English language and computers, and we closed 2021 with our latest project, Horses for Hope.
Look at all of these departments, no one, I think, can do this work. This is not the work of one NGO. I can say that this is really a Foundation, we are not working like an NGO. I can say that 10 NGOs can not do the work that we are doing.

My second point is that Springs of Hope Foundation is like a big tent. No one else could gather all these groups under such a tent, orphaned children, youth, old people, minority groups, religious groups, and to give them and to share HOPE.

I think that we have given many keys to many people. That does not mean that all those people who we gave the key to can cross the road to Hope. Some still don't know how to use the key and some might lose the key, but I am sure that most of them can go on the straight way and will use that key in the future. Giving them this key is so important.

After the fire in Shariya Camp destroyed precious belongings, Muhaned is gifted a new camera and a much loved trike is replaced.

The third point, here at Springs of Hope Foundation we are building people. In my opinion, this is so important. How are we building? We are giving them Life Water. Life Water. When you give Life Water to someone he will drink and not die. We are giving Life Water to thousands of people, and by doing that we are building them for life.
Have you noticed that we do not run after people to get them to come to Springs of Hope Foundation. Our door is open and people come to us, not like other NGOs who are running after people to make a workshop that can be used as a governmental report.
These three points are so important for our society and for our name in the region. The most important of these points is that we have the Life Water.
In 2022 I can see that we have horses, we have our two campuses, and I can smell and see very soon in 2022 that we will have an English only kindergarten inside the village which will prepare children for school and give them English language. Many people here in the region give English classes but they couldn't equip people to actually speak the language. It is so important that we teach people to speak in English.
In the future, I hope if God gives us life, we can make a cultural center. A cultural center is a place which answers every need, whatever you need you can find it there. It's not a place just for youth, it's a place that welcomes old people. Life here is changing, and we have to be the bridge that brings the generations together. This generation is changing, it's not like it was before. We need to unite the generations and help to halt the growing distance. I hope that we can do this in the future.

There is a lot of work ahead of us. We will continue to focus on three things.
Thank you very much."Dr Saeed Alo Khudeida
CEO Springs of Hope Foundation
