Everything remains the same. That is the feeling that the village, home to the Christian community at Avzruk gives. Green before Easter. Mud before Christmas. Apart from that, nothing changes.
We arrived two hours before the Good Friday service began, no women were to be seen as they were all in their homes at the height of their preparations.
The Father asked to give you dear friends, his thanks. To thank you for remembering them, and for helping them to celebrate these two Christian festivals. He also noted that nothing had changed, the community had purchased a new tractor which was of help to them. But apart from that everything remains the same. Kind of sad, kind of good.
Our update is brief this week due to Lisa’s travel schedule, so we will just share some of the beautiful photos giving you, once again just a tiny taste of our week. We are delighting in this glorious spring season, which is already on its way out, as the days become hotter. The barley at Horses for Hope is currently rich, we give our horses plenty of grazing hours, a month from now we will be struggling to keep it alive.
We will be shifting our working hours at the Hope Centre as already it is too hot for some of our students, and medical patients. The season is once again changing. So enjoy some of our photos of this land which is at peace despite being in a region of war.
Enjoy the photos of our students, who came to us with empty, blank, or angry faces. We revel in their life, delight, expressions of joy, success, and hope.
Noori & His Early Learning Group
Nurse Salah & Avya
Horses for Hope
The Hope Academy of Art
The Master Farrier, Mr. Ali of Baghdad on his Bi-Monthly Visit
Sewing Hope Preparing Dresses to Give to the Poor Before the Yezidi New Year
Thank you for your care for us, thank you for your support. We will be back next week sharing with you a wonderful art exhibition called “Undying Hope” hosted by our Syrian art students.
Until then dear friends, have a good week and stay safe.