This is Nawal’s story as given to our Psychotherapist Noori whilst sitting in the garden drinking tea on a cold but sunny winter’s day. “I became partially paralyzed when I was 7. We were in Rabia, I became sick after a shower due to the cold. I went to the doctor who gave me an injection and I became paralyzed. “I live with my mother, my sister-in-law, and her eleven year old son. All our men were killed by ISIS, my father and four brothers. They refused to convert and say that they are Muslim so they were shot dead. “When I think about this day, this catastrophe or even when I remember them my entire body goes into disaster mode. I am more than sad. This is a deep forever grief and loss. This is a shock from which it is impossible to eradicate the levels of traumatic memory. I live with disaster inside my body.
"I was taken into captivity but I don't want to discuss this. I saw and was involved in many traumatic events that a human being should never witness. These are things that I do not want to share. From Syria I was brought to Shariya camp where we lived until recently. We left the camp in order to rent a small house in the village in an attempt to escape from the tension and mood which was affecting us all. I had no friends when I was in the camp, nowhere to go, nothing to do. I just sat in the tent and waited for nothing and no one. Could we drink tea now? It's so beautiful outside but even thinking about Daesh has upset me and I would like a glass of tea with you before we talk more.

Since I came to Springs of Hope Foundation my life has totally changed. I am totally, totally a different person. Before I was alone, sad, grieving, no motivation, no reason for anything, helpless and without hope. The inside of me felt heavy like a heavy stone, just heavy and dead. I was disappointed with life. I was broken, crushed, shattered into many pieces. There was only emptiness.
One day Mr Musa called me and invited me to come. That was the day that my life changed. My psychological condition changed one hundred percent. One hundred. One hundred.
I come to the Hope Centre three times a week and I go to Horses for Hope once a week. Every day that I come is a celebration, it is like a party but not a normal party. It is an “inside me" party that is pushing the stone away.
I go to courses. I have great friends. Everyone takes special care of me, everyone is kind and thoughtful. I am surrounded by nature, trees and beauty. Everywhere there is color and sound in art and music. I love being in the garden, even in winter there is something new to discover every day.

"Since I became a part of the Springs of Hope family I am relaxed and comfortable . Disappointment has ended. Every time I come I get filled up with Hope. When I inhale I feel that oxygen is going deep into my lungs. It is the Oxygen of Hope. It is something unbelievable, it is something totally amazing.
"This is all unbelievable for me. And the horses, oh the horses. Every time that I go I am transported to a different world. A world where I am super, super happy and super, super fulfilled. I am so excited to be a part of the horses' lives, and so blessed to be there. Every time I am there I feel blessing pouring over me and I am flying."

Noori, Pyschologist :
“When I heard her words I was so filled with emotion that I wanted to cry. She was sharing her miracle with me but I had to hold back my tears and remain professional. I cried later though from sheer joy. Her description of Oxygen of Hope…wow, I have no words. I also spoke with Daoud and Barzan (our Horses for Hope staff) who echo her total change, they see her joy and her passion and love for the horses. It is a miracle, it is a miracle.”