Over the past six weeks, our Roof of Hope has extended itself to welcome and embrace two very special friends and guests. It has been a precious time of slaughtering lambs and washing feet. A couple of days ago our chat went to Patriarch Abraham who once hosted two strangers, angels, in his tent in this region. Angels who knew the future. Angels who when departing deposited promises for the future, promises that took a barren old lady and a man who repeatedly made mistakes into forebears of a multitude of nations.
I pray that we have hosted our angels well. They certainly both carried the gift of vision and promise. After their departure, trying to gather the words spoken and emotions experienced, along with the glimpses of future promise, I am left with the words spoken by Sarah, “Is anything too wonderful for the Lord."
As our ways now part, we three already in different continents, now wait for the "fullness of time."
Today I am taking a Shabbat rest, sitting around our fire hanging out with our horse trainers, horses, dog, cat and ducks. We have concluded an intense week and have a busy one in the midst of swirling storms ahead. We will be back next week dear Journeyman.
May your week be filled with vision and promise as ours has been. With thanks to the angels for choosing our Roof of Hope to be their temporary covering.