Sometimes I wish we could make one of those calendars with all the pop up windows to show you what our month looks like. When eventide comes and I look back at our day, I am astounded that all that has been accomplished. There is so much to write about but we will continue to hang out in our field that has become a home for so many and give space and time to the families of some very special children to speak.
“One of the drawbacks of adventures is that when you come to the most beautiful places you are often too anxious and too hurried to appreciate them.”
C.S. Lewis. The Horse and His Boy

Vian is 10 years old. She suffers from retinal deception and squinting.
“Child. I am telling you your story. No one is told any story but their own.”
C.S. Lewis. The Horse and His Boy
“We have two periods of time for Vian. Before the horses and after the horses. Before she joined the Springs of Hope programmes she spent all her time on the street, interfering with the other children, annoying everyone. She did not like or connect with anyone which made her actions very hard for everyone, even us, to tolerate. She was unkind, negative, stubborn, insisting that everyone was wrong, everyone was against her. She would not participate in anything, would not cooperate in any way.
These days, she greets us upon waking, she always says Good Morning, which never happened before. She lets us know
if she wants to go out. Both inside and out she is quieter, and calmer and way more content which is a great relief for us. She is way less annoying and harmful to the other children, all the neighbours comment on the change in her.
We have witnessed the transformation of her life, an ongoing process. She was unsettled, distant, aggravated. Now she loves life, is content and peaceful and is showing affection. This means the world to us. We are deeply grateful for your unwavering support and care for her. Your help has changed her life, and thereby our life, and we can not thank you enough.” Vian’s family.
Vian’s family.

Rahad is 13 years old. He is the sweetest Down's Syndrome kiddie.
“And this new air was so delicious, and his old life seemed so far away that he forgot for a moment about his bruises and his aching muscles.”
C.S. Lewis. The Horse and His Boy
“Honestly there are no words to express our gratitude towards you all, for the extraordinary support you have given to our beloved son, Rahad. Before becoming part of Springs of Hope, he was always at home, always alone, silent, uncommunicative. He preferred to be alone, withdrawn, connected only to his phone with movies. He did not even communicate with us. He was moody, and was becoming very fearful of everything and everyone. We had all given up, and felt helpless and hopeless.
The difference since being a part of Horses for Hope is astounding. He loves Oscar who is his very best friend. He knows the names of all the trainers and loves each one. He has gained friends, he is accepted. His confidence is increasing, he smiles and laughs, he enjoys being with us and amazingly is way more confident to connect with other children and to participate in their activities.
The transformation is amazing. We can not thank you enough.”
Rahad’s family

Ayham is 10 years old. He is autistic.
“When things go wrong, you’ll find they usually go on getting worse for some time, but once things start going right they often go on getting better and better.”
C.S. Lewis. The Horse and His Boy
“First and foremost, we extend our warm greetings and heartfelt thanks to everyone at Springs of Hope, and everyone who supports Springs of Hope.
Thank you to everyone both at The Hope Centre and at the stables for the years of dedication to Ayham. We understand that he can be relentless and very challenging, so our appreciation for the work that you do and the care you give him, is boundless.
We have lived in a tent opposite Springs of Hope for these ten years, we watched you building the centre step by step. We have seen all that you have given our children over the years, we see the difference between a Springs of Hope student and one who is not. They dress differently, they speak differently, they act differently. Everything is different.
The children in the camp need the care and nurturing that you give. Before Ayham began the equine program, he annoyed all the children around him. He was difficult, and as he encountered more and more layers of rejection, he became withdrawn, and isolated which deeply concerned us.
We now see the beginning of positive change in him and hope that the smiles that we see, will continue and increase as he transforms his challenges into joy. We see that his interaction is now more positive and that he is learning to adapt to social situations. We are committed to supporting him on this journey and are confident that with your guidance the will experience significant life changes and will integrate into life and the community with a positive outlook
We also see all your Facebook posts, whenever you share a photo of Ayham we are filled with joy and pride. You should see the smile on our faces. We know that Ayham is learning and growing with each lesson. It feels like a beautiful miracle, especially that he and Oscar have become friends, since they hated each other. Ayham also feels deeply connected with the horses, and always seems to know when it’s his day to go to the stables. He is always ready and waiting.
You have given him a future. Thank you.”
Ayham’s family

Atina is 8 years old. She suffers from a congenital dislocation of the right hip joint.
“Dearest Daughter, I knew you would not be long in coming to me. Joy shall be yours.”
C.S. Lewis. The Horse and His Boy
“Horses have become a dream come true for Atina. Before she met you, she would rarely go outside to play with the children because they would laugh at her, telling her that she was disabled and did not belong. It deeply hurt her that no one wanted to play with her, she would try time after time, returning home sad, hurt, and withdrawn.
Since becoming a part of your family with the horses and the animals she has undergone a complete transformation. She is 100% different.
She talks about her lessons with the horses, she shares how she has learned to be quiet and calm, how to breathe, how to allow the horse to show her how to be still inside.
She has learned to handle teasing and comments. When someone tries to put her down, she tells us with confidence that she knows how to deal with them, not allowing the hurtful words of children to pierce her. She has gained a massive amount of confidence in knowing that she can do things, she can succeed and she can do things that other children can not.
Recently we have noticed that when she goes out, she returns home happy. We have asked her many times if everything is ok, how it was outside… her answer is the same, that she feels happy because she has changed so much. This is a huge step for her and we can not express our gratitude to your organisation.
The last thing that I want to say is thank you for your support, your trust and for bringing about such a positive change in our lives. This means the world to us, and we deeply appreciate everything that you do for us, you take care of everything. You have given us food and fresh vegetables, you address our medical and pyschological needs. When Atina comes to you she knows that she is safe, and that she is cared for on every level. We are truly grateful for your commitment and your care."
Atina’s family

Hiwar is 9 years old. He shares an equal place with Rahad for the sweetest Down’s Syndrome boy
“...He was dreadfully frightened. But it suddenly came into his head, “ If you funk this, you’ll funk every battle in your life. It’s now or never.”
C.S. Lewis. The Horse and His Boy
Hello. I want to talk about the significant changes in Hiwar. The transformation over time is so profound that it is hard to express my feelings, but I will do the best that I can.
Before you guys came into Hiwar’s life, he was special, he was different. He had many psychological problems, and he was very isolated. Today he is optimistic, and sees beyond himself, he sees himself as part of a larger word, yes still a small world, but one where he is connected. He now wants to play with children, to eat with them, and to spend time with others rather than withdrawing and being alone.
Prior to Springs of Hope, to the horses, we were concerned about his interaction with other children, due to the difficulties that everyone faced in these situations. We were apprehensive about how he would be treated. We are now confident that Hiwar can be a role model for other children, he has learned so much from equine therapy and these are things that he can model for other children, how to be silent inside, how to connect, breathe, how to let bad emotions go.
There is a significant difference between his past and the present.
He used to struggle with overwhelming thoughts and issues beyond his capacity. Today is way more grounded, focused upon reality. He is making positive strides in learning numbers, the alphabet, and the basics of education. His confidence is growing and he desires friends.
Thanks a lot."
Hiwar’s family